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HOW TO: Skip Rows When Reading CSV Files in Databricks (2025)

Let’s say you’ve got a massive CSV file loaded into Databricks, packed with data ready for analysis. But as you dig in, you notice something’s off—tucked between the rows are bits of information that could throw a wrench in your analysis. Maybe it’s test data, metadata, duplicate headers, corrupted lines, or even empty rows. Handling such scenarios is an essential part of data preprocessing, and skipping irrelevant rows becomes a crucial step in maintaining data integrity.

In this article, we'll cover four practical techniques to skip rows when reading CSV files in Databricks. Each technique uses a different tool or API—PySpark, Spark SQL, RDDs, and Pandas—so you can choose the best approach for your specific use case. 

Let's dive right in!

☣️The Issue: Why Skip Rows When Reading CSV Files?

When you handle CSV files in Databricks, skipping rows is often necessary to clean your data before analysis. Here's why:

➥ Metadata and Extra Headers — Some CSV files may include metadata or multiple header rows at the beginning that do not contain actual data. These rows are often descriptive and should be skipped to avoid confusion and errors in data interpretation.

➥ Test Data — Sometimes, CSV files might contain test data or examples that were included during data validation or development phases. These rows skew your results if included in your analysis.

➥ Comments or Notes — Occasionally, CSV files may contain rows that serve as comments or notes about the data. These rows are not part of the actual dataset and should be excluded to prevent misinterpretation.

➥ Corrupt or Incomplete Entries — Data corruption or partial records can introduce noise or errors into your dataset. Skipping these rows prevents your analysis from being compromised by inaccurate or incomplete data.

➥ Irrelevant Data — CSV files may sometimes include data that is irrelevant to your current analysis or project scope. Excluding these rows keeps your analysis focused and efficient.

If you skip these rows, you can maintain the integrity and relevance of your data, making your analysis in Databricks more accurate and effective.

To solve this issue, you can skip unnecessary rows when reading CSV files in Databricks.

Let's dive into the next section, where we will explore four techniques you can use to skip rows when reading CSV files in Databricks. Without further ado, let's get right into it!

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💡 The Solution: Skip Rows When Reading CSV Files in Databricks

There are four techniques you can use to skip rows when reading CSV files in Databricks:

  1. Technique 1—Skip Rows When Reading CSV Files in Databricks Using PySpark: This is the most recommended approach for handling large datasets efficiently.
  2. Technique 2—Skip Rows When Reading CSV Files in Databricks Using Spark SQL’s read_files function: Another viable method for skipping rows directly within Spark SQL.
  3. Technique 3—Skip Rows When Reading CSV Files in Databricks Using RDD transformations: This method is less recommended due to its complexity and inefficiency compared to DataFrame-based operations.
  4. Technique 4—Skip Rows When Reading CSV Files in Databricks Using Pandas: Suitable for smaller CSV files where the dataset can fit comfortably in memory.

Let’s dive deeper into these techniques and understand their use cases and implementation details.


Before diving into these techniques, we need a CSV file for demo purposes. For this example, we’ll create a simple dataset with ~16 rows, including a header, to help you clearly understand the process. Here’s the dataset we’ll use:

Name Age City Email
Elon Musk 53 Austin [email protected]
Jeff Bezos 60 Medina [email protected]
Bernard Arnault 75 Paris [email protected]
Mark Zuckerberg 40 Palo Alto [email protected]
Larry Ellison 79 Lanai [email protected]
Warren Buffett 93 Omaha [email protected]
Bill Gates 68 Medina [email protected]
Larry Page 51 Palo Alto [email protected]
Sergey Brin 50 Los Altos [email protected]
Mukesh Ambani 67 Mumbai [email protected]
Steve Ballmer 68 Hunts Point [email protected]
Francoise Bettencourt Meyers 71 Paris [email protected]
Carlos Slim Helu 84 Mexico City [email protected]
Amancio Ortega 88 La Coruña [email protected]
Michael Bloomberg 82 New York [email protected]

After creating this file, upload it to Databricks DBFS. If you’re unfamiliar with the upload process, you can refer to this article: Step-by-Step Guide to Upload Files to Databricks DBFS.

Uploading files to Databricks DBFS - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
Uploading files to Databricks DBFS

After uploading the file to Databricks DBFS, it’s important to verify whether the data was successfully uploaded. You can do this by executing the following command:

df ="dbfs:/FileStore/SkipRowsCSVFile.csv")
Verifying whether the CSV file is loaded successfully - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
Verifying whether the CSV file is loaded successfully - Reading CSV Files

As you can see, this will load the CSV file into a DataFrame and display its contents. If the file was uploaded correctly, you should see 16 rows (15 data rows plus the header) in the output, confirming that the file has been successfully uploaded.

Now you’re ready to proceed with the following techniques described in this article. Let’s dive in!

Let’s explore the first of the four techniques: using PySpark’s read.csv method with the option("skipRows") to skip rows when reading CSV files in Databricks. This approach is highly recommended due to its efficiency and seamless integration with PySpark’s DataFrame API, making it ideal for processing large datasets.

Step 1—Configure Databricks Environment

First, make sure your Databricks environment is set up. You need access to a Databricks Workspace where you can manage your data.

Step 2—Set Up Databricks Compute Cluster

Launch a cluster in Databricks with the necessary configurations. Choose an appropriate runtime version that supports Spark 3.1.0 or later, as the skipRows option is only available in these versions.

Configuring Databricks Compute cluster - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
Configuring Databricks Compute cluster - Skip Rows CSV Files

Step 3—Open Databricks Notebook

Create or open a Databricks Notebook where you will write and execute your PySpark code. This will serve as your workspace for running the required commands.

Setting up Databricks Notebook - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
Setting up Databricks Notebook - Skip Rows CSV Files

Step 4—Attach Databricks Compute to Notebook

Select the Databricks compute cluster you prepared to attach to your notebook. This links your code execution to the cluster's resources.

Attaching Databricks Compute cluster to Databricks Notebook - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
Attaching Databricks Compute cluster to Databricks Notebook - Skip Rows CSV Files

Step 5—Import PySpark Library

Let's start coding. First, import the necessary PySpark modules. At a minimum, you’ll need SparkSession to create and manage your Spark application:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

Step 6—Initialize Spark Session

Create a Spark session, which serves as the entry point for using PySpark functionalities:

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("CSVRowSkipping").getOrCreate()

Step 7—Use Spark header option or Spark skipRows option for skipping rows

Use the method to read the CSV file while applying options to skip unnecessary rows:

  • header: Set this to "true" if your CSV file includes a header row.
  • skipRows: Specify the number of rows to skip at the beginning of the file. This feature was introduced in Spark 3.1.0.
rows_to_skip = 3
dbfsPath = "dbfs:/FileStore/SkipRowsCSVFile.csv"

pysparkdf ="csv") \
  .option("header", "true") \  # Treat the first row as headers
  .option("skipRows", rows_to_skip) \ # Skip the specified number of rows
Note: If your Spark version is older than 3.1.0, the skipRows option will not be available. In such cases, consider alternative methods, such as filtering the rows after reading the data.

Step 8—Validate and Display Data

Finally, verify that the rows were skipped correctly by displaying a sample of the DataFrame:

Validating and displaying data - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
Validating and displaying data - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV Files in Databricks

This technique is efficient for handling structured CSV files, especially when you know the exact number of rows to skip. PySpark’s flexibility makes it an excellent choice for preprocessing large datasets in Databricks.

🔮 Technique 2—Skip Rows When Reading CSV Files in Databricks Using Spark SQL's read_files Function with skipRows

In the previous section, we used PySpark to skip rows in a CSV file. Now, let’s move to another technique—using Spark SQL. Spark SQL is particularly useful if you prefer working with SQL queries or need to integrate row-skipping logic directly into your SQL-based workflows. Here in this technique, we will make use of Databricks' temporary views, providing a structured way to preprocess your data.

Step 1—Open Databricks Notebook

Start by opening a new or existing Databricks Notebook. 

Step 2—Attach Databricks Compute to Databricks Notebook

Attach the notebook to an active Databricks compute cluster. The cluster should have Spark 3.1.0 or later installed to support the skipRows option in read_files. If your cluster is running an earlier version, you can use a workaround, as explained below.

Step 3—Initialize Spark Session

You don’t need additional imports for Spark SQL, but it’s good practice to initialize or verify your Spark session. This guarantees you can run both SQL and PySpark commands seamlessly in the notebook:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("CSVRowSkippingSQL").getOrCreate()

Step 4—Write SQL Query to Skip Rows When Reading CSV File

Here, you have two approaches:

Option 1—Using a Temporary View with ROW_NUMBER()`

If your Databricks version doesn’t support the skipRows option in read_files, you can create a temporary view and use the ROW_NUMBER() function to filter out unwanted rows:

    FROM csv.`dbfs:/FileStore/SkipRowsCSVFile.csv`
WHERE row_num > 5;
SQL query to skip rows when reading CSV file in Databricks using temp view with row_number() - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
SQL query to skip rows when reading CSV files in Databricks using temp view with row_number()
  • ROW_NUMBER(): Assigns a unique number to each row in the dataset, starting from 1.
  • WHERE row_num > 5: Filters out the first five rows, skipping them during query execution.
Option 2—Using the read_files Function

If your Databricks Runtime supports it (available from Databricks Runtime 13.3 LTS and above), you can use read_files function:

FROM read_files(
  format => 'csv',
  skipRows => 5
SQL query to skip rows when reading CSV file in Databricks using the read_files function - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
SQL query to skip rows when reading CSV files in Databricks using the read_files function

Step 5—Query the Databricks Temporary View

Once you’ve created the temporary view, you can query it like any standard SQL table to access the preprocessed data:

SELECT * FROM csv_row_skip_databricks;
Querying Databricks Temporary View - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
Querying Databricks Temporary View - Skip Rows CSV Files

Step 6—Validate and Display Data

After querying the temporary view, visually inspect the output in the notebook to confirm the row-skipping worked as expected. You can also apply additional transformations or aggregations to ensure the dataset meets your requirements.

Step 7—Dropping the Databricks Temporary View

It’s good practice to clean up temporary views when you’re done, especially in collaborative environments where multiple users might interact with shared resources:

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS csv_row_skip_databricks;
Dropping Databricks Temporary View - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
Dropping Databricks Temporary View - Skip Rows CSV Files

This technique leverages Spark SQL's capabilities, offering a different approach to data preprocessing in Databricks. It's particularly handy if you're more comfortable with SQL or if your data processing pipeline benefits from SQL's declarative nature. Remember, the availability of skipRows in read_files depends on your Databricks runtime version, so always check your environment's capabilities.

Previously, we explored skipping rows using PySpark and Spark SQL. Now, let’s look at an alternative method—using RDD transformations. While RDDs are foundational to Spark, this method is less commonly recommended for most Databricks workflows due to its verbosity and lower efficiency compared to DataFrame APIs. But understanding it can be useful for scenarios requiring custom transformations at the RDD level.

Assuming you've already configured your Databricks environment, set up your compute cluster, opened your notebook, and attached your compute to the notebook, here's how you can proceed with this technique:

Step 1—Import PySpark

Start by importing the necessary PySpark libraries to work with RDDs:

from pyspark import SparkContext
Importing SparkContext from PySpark - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
Importing SparkContext from PySpark - Skip Rows CSV Files - RDD in Spark

Step 2—Initialize Spark Context

Spark context (sc) is the entry point for working with RDDs. Initialize or retrieve an existing context:

sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
Inititlaizing Spark Context - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
Initializing Spark Context - RDD in Spark

Step 3—Read CSV as RDD

Use the textFile() method to load your CSV file as an RDD. This method reads the file line by line, making each line an element of the RDD:

rdd = sc.textFile('dbfs:/FileStore/SkipRowsCSVFile.csv')
Using textFile() to load CSV file as RDD - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
Using textFile() to load CSV file as RDD - Skip Rows CSV Files - RDD in Spark

Step 4—Skip Rows with RDD Operations

To skip specific rows, you can use the zipWithIndex() method to attach an index to each row and then filter out rows based on their index. For example, to skip the first five rows:

number_of_rows_to_skip = 5  # Skip first 5 rows

filtered_rdd = rdd.zipWithIndex().filter(lambda x: x[1] >= number_of_rows_to_skip).map(lambda x: x[0])
Skipping rows with RDD operations - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
Skipping rows with RDD operations - Skip Rows CSV Files - RDD in Spark


  • zipWithIndex(): Assigns a unique index to each row in the RDD.
  • filter(): Removes rows where the index is less than or equal to 5 (skipping the first five rows).
  • map(): Extracts the original row content after filtering.

Step 5—Convert RDD Back to DataFrame

Once you’ve filtered the RDD, you’ll need to convert it back into a DataFrame for further processing. Use the method to create a DataFrame:

from pyspark.sql import Row

# Split rows into columns
row_rdd = line: line.split(","))

# Convert to DataFrame
convertdf = row: Row(*row)).toDF()
Converting RDD back to DataFrame - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
Converting RDD back to DataFrame - Skip Rows CSV Files - RDD in Spark


If your RDD transformations retain the original CSV format, you can directly pass the filtered RDD to

newdf =
Converting RDD back to DataFrame - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
Converting RDD back to DataFrame - Skip Rows CSV Files - RDD in Spark

Step 6—Validate and Display Data

Finally, inspect the DataFrame to verify that the unwanted rows were successfully skipped:

Validating and displaying data - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
Validating and displaying data - Skip Rows CSV Files - RDD in Spark - PySpark DataFrame

Why Use RDDs for Skipping Rows?
This technique, while functional, involves more manual handling compared to DataFrame methods. RDDs provide low-level control which might be necessary if you're dealing with very specific data processing needs or custom transformations. However, for most use cases, you're better off using DataFrame APIs or Spark SQL for simplicity and performance. Remember, RDD transformations can be less performant and harder to optimize than DataFrame operations in Databricks.

🔮 Technique 4—Skip Rows When Reading CSV Files in Databricks Using Pandas (For Smaller Datasets)

We've covered techniques using PySpark, Spark SQL, and RDDs. Now, let's dive into using Pandas for smaller datasets where you might prefer simplicity over distributed processing. This technique works well for smaller datasets—Pandas processes data in memory, so it’s not ideal for large-scale files commonly handled in Databricks.

Assuming you've already configured your Databricks environment, set up your compute cluster, opened your notebook, and attached your compute to the notebook, here's how you proceed:

Step 1—Import Pandas

First, import Pandas to your Databricks Notebook. Pandas is a popular Python library for data manipulation and analysis:

import pandas as pd
Importing Pandas library - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
Importing Pandas library - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows

Step 2—Read CSV with skiprows

Pandas provides the skiprows parameter to exclude rows from the beginning of a CSV file. This is useful when the initial rows contain metadata or unwanted information:

# Skip the first 5 rows
pandas_df = pd.read_csv('/dbfs/FileStore/SkipRowsCSVFile.csv', skiprows=5)

You can also skip rows at the bottom of the file using the skipfooter parameter:

# Skip the last 3 rows
pandas_df = pd.read_csv('/dbfs/FileStore/SkipRowsCSVFile.csv', skipfooter=3)

Step 3—Manually Specify Headers parameter

Sometimes, your header row isn’t the first row in the file. Adjust the header parameter to specify which row contains the column names. For example, if your headers are on the fourth row (index 3):

pandas_df = pd.read_csv('/dbfs/FileStore/SkipRowsCSVFile.csv', header=3)
  • header: Index of the row to use as column headers (0-based indexing).
  • skiprows: Combine with header for dynamic row skipping.

Step 4—Data Validation

After loading the data, inspect the first few rows to confirm the correct rows were skipped:

Validating and displaying data - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
Validating and displaying data - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows

Step 5—Convert Pandas to PySpark DataFrame

Pandas is efficient for smaller datasets, but for distributed processing, convert your Pandas DataFrame to a PySpark DataFrame:

converted_spark_df = spark.createDataFrame(pandas_df)

By doing this it allows you to leverage the distributed nature of Spark for further transformations and analyses.

Step 6—Validate and Display Data

Finally, validate the data in the PySpark DataFrame to ensure it aligns with your expectations:
Validating and displaying data - Reading CSV - Read CSV in Databricks - Reading CSV Files - Read CSV File in Databricks - Skip Rows - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows - pd Read CSV Skip Rows - Spark Read CSV Skip Rows - CSV Files - Spark Read Option - Spark Read Format Options - Spark Read CSV - Read CSV in Spark - Spark Read CSV Options - skipfooter - DataFrame - Spark DataFrame - PySpark DataFrame - Databricks Export to CSV - CSV File Processing - RDD - Resilient Distributed Dataset - RDD in Spark - Databricks Notebook - DBFS - Data Preprocessing
Validating and displaying data - Skip Rows CSV Files - Pandas Read CSV Skip Rows

Using Pandas in Databricks is a great option for smaller datasets or when you need to quickly tweak some data. However, for big data processing, it's better to use Spark's distributed capabilities. In Databricks, Pandas operations are handled by the driver node, which can be a problem for really large datasets.

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And that's a wrap! We've navigated through various techniques to skip rows in CSV files within Databricks, offering you multiple tools to clean your data efficiently. Whether you’re working with massive datasets or smaller files, knowing the right approach can save you time and improve your workflow efficiency. From PySpark to Pandas, each method offers unique strengths tailored to specific scenarios, making it easier for you to handle your data with precision and confidence.

In this article, we have covered:

☣️ The Issue: Why Skip Rows When Reading CSV Files?

💡 The Solution: Skip Rows When Reading CSV Files in Databricks

… and so much more!


Can I skip rows based on content rather than just by number?

Yes, you can skip rows based on content in both PySpark and Pandas. In PySpark, you can use DataFrame operations or RDD transformations with filter functions:

df = df.filter(df['column_name'] != 'some_content')

Or in RDD:

rdd = rdd.filter(lambda line: 'specific_content' not in line)

For Pandas, use a conditional statement within read_csv:

df = pd.read_csv('file.csv', skiprows=lambda x: 'content_to_skip' in x)

What if I need to skip different numbers of rows for different files?

If you have multiple CSV files, each requiring a different number of rows to be skipped, you'll need to handle each file individually. In PySpark, you can specify the number of rows to skip using the skipRows option when reading each file:

df1 ='skipRows', 5).csv('dbfs:/<file-path>/file1.csv')
df2 ='skipRows', 10).csv('dbfs:/<file-path>/file2.csv')

Is there a performance impact from skipping rows?

Skipping rows can improve performance by reducing the amount of data you process. However, the impact depends on where the skipping occurs:

  • Reading phase: Skipping rows during reading reduces I/O, potentially speeding up data ingestion.
  • Post-read filtering: If you filter after reading all data, you'll process unnecessary data first, which could be less efficient for large datasets.

Does skipping rows affect the header row when reading CSV files?

Yes, skipping rows can affect how you read headers. If you skip rows before the header, you must specify the correct header position.

Can I skip rows dynamically based on their content in PySpark?

Yes, you can dynamically skip rows based on their content in PySpark by applying a filter after reading the data. For instance, to skip rows where a specific column contains a certain value:

df ='dbfs:/<file-path>/file.csv', header=True)
filtered_df = df.filter(df['column_name'] != 'unwanted_value')

What's the difference between skiprows in Pandas and skipRows in PySpark?

Both serve similar purposes but are implemented differently; skiprows is used directly in Pandas while skipRows is an option within the read function in PySpark.

How does skipping rows impact performance in large datasets?

In large datasets, skipping rows can lead to increased processing time, as each row must be read and assessed to determine if it should be skipped. This overhead can affect overall performance, so it's advisable to use row-skipping very carefully and consider alternative data preprocessing methods when dealing with substantial data volumes.

Are there any limitations with skipRows in Databricks?

Yes there are some limitation with skipRows in Databricks, they are:

  • skipRows is available from Spark 3.1.0, so older Databricks runtimes might not support this feature. 
  • skipRows skips a fixed number of rows at the start; it doesn't dynamically adjust based on content unless combined with other methods like filtering.
  • skipRows works specifically with CSV data sources; other formats might not support it directly.

What happens if I skip rows in a CSV file that has no header?

When skipping rows in a CSV without headers, all columns are named _c0, _c1, etc., by default. You'll need to manually rename them.

What happens if the number of rows to skip exceeds the total rows in a file?

If the skipRows value exceeds the total number of rows in a file, PySpark will return an empty DataFrame or return "OK" for that file.


Pramit Marattha

Technical Content Lead

Pramit is a Technical Content Lead at Chaos Genius.

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